Hurricane Irma - SBC Update 9.13.2017

We are in day two of hard work at the Silver Beach Club with cleaning up after Hurricane Irma. It has been a long two days, but progress is being made. The sun is shining and we are all extremely grateful that the storm spared us from the extreme damage seen in other parts of the State, though we still incurred some damages that must be addressed before owners and guests return to enjoy the property.
The building stood strong, we are still here and working hard to get the resort and grounds cleared of debris, cleaned and operational.
While we are still assessing damages to the building exterior and interior, our most important issue is safety and ensuring the welfare of our staff and anyone occupying the building in the future.
At this time, we are on multiple waiting lists for repairs to necessary operations equipment including the fire panel, multiple phone lines and elevators. As many of you can imagine, there are a myriad of businesses and individuals on this list and we have been asked by these third party vendors to be patient while they do their best to get to all of their customers in a timely manner as they are inundated with calls by those needing their assistance.
All of the guests scheduled to check in this Saturday, September 16, 2017 have been contacted by a member of Silver Beach Club and/or RCI to reschedule their trip as we will not be able to open this Saturday without the services mentioned above. We anticipate opening as soon as possible given the repairs to necessary services are completed, however, we are still inspecting for all safety measures.
As always, we appreciate your kindness and consideration while we continue our efforts to open Silver Beach Club as soon as possible.